
New Facebook Group for Real Conversation and Great Business Relationships

  Rationale and Group Concept First, why am I doing this? My Linking Business Professionals group on LinkedIn (originally the 30 Day LinkedIn Blitz Group) has passed its use-by date. I am increasingly unimpressed by the user interface for LinkedIn Groups, and as LinkedIn seems to be on a path of completely hobbling group owners,…

To Build a LinkedIn Network, Talk to Strangers

In a previous post, “Are You Making This Basic LinkedIn Mistake?” I asked “Are you making the mistake of having a LinkedIn network mainly made up of friends, colleagues, and industry peers?” That’s easy enough to do, but it’s not a smart use of LinkedIn. In this post I provide a basic LinkedIn network building strategy, probably too basic for…

Newsletter Makeover: Now “Social Business Bites”

This post is about the launch of my latest endeavour to master the art of online newsletter/update/regular report thingies. Enter Social Business Bites (fresh, tasty, nutritious!). Corny, yes, but it already makes me think more creatively about the process than the now-being-retired “Des Walsh Updates” or the not-really-lamented “Social Coach” title of a few years…

Start the Year with a Boost to Your LinkedIn Presence

As LinkedIn continues to grow – 259 million+ users, with two new members every second – I’m finding that more and more people are actively interested in learning about how to make the best use of this, the leading social networking platform for professionals worldwide. Which is why I am announcing this week the next…

Not Everyone Likes LinkedIn but with 120 Million Users Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Not Everyone Likes LinkedIn but with 120 Million Users Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Getting the Point About LinkedIn Whenever I get up to speak to a group about LinkedIn, I’m conscious that there will almost certainly be some people in the group who have decided they don’t like the platform and others who may not feel strongly for or against it, but just don’t see the point. Because…

Law Firms and Social Media Success Stories 1

Law Firms and Social Media Success Stories 1

I’ve long maintained that there are some serious challenges for professional services firms wanting to engage effectively with and through social media, as I wrote about earlier this year in relation to financial advisers. The flipside is that there is a lot of opportunity for those professional services that make the effort to develop a…