Groundswell and Social Media in the Global Economy

Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff, top researchers at Forrester Research, are clearly on a winner with their forthcoming book on social media, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies On the Groundswell blog you can read the Table of Contents and download a fifteen page excerpt. The promise the book’s promotion on Amazon…


WordFrame Partners with Webarts for Asia-Pacific

ITBrix/ WordFrame announced last week, via PRWeb, the appointment of my company as solution providers for WordFrame – with a special emphasis on our Asia Pacific region. I’m excited about this. In various forums and conversations and on this and other blogs I have been promoting the use of social media in business for a…

Looks Like Westin Hotels are Not Listening to the Conversation

We know broadband is a joke in Australia. Promising to deal with that was, putatively, one of the reasons for the massive vote for Kevin Rudd’s party to take government. But even with what is currently available, you would think that a major international hotel group would be keen to offer companies using its facilities…


Professors Report on Ways to Deal with Online Attacks

I think we can take it as read that any contemporary senior executive has at some point considered the possibility of his or her company having to deal with criticism, even a concerted campaign of criticism, online. It would be interesting to know whether many of those executives have taken that thought to the next…

New Enterprise 2.0 Social Media Platform WordFrame Launched

I’ve very excited about a new Enterprise 2.0 product, WordFrame, which has just been launched. WordFrame is a social media platform, a web publishing, collaboration and content management tool. I’m excited for two main reasons. The first is that I believe this product fills very neatly a serious need in the market. The second, closely…