links for 2008-05-17

Intel Announces Winners of World’s Largest Pre-College Science Fair (Update: page originally linked from here is no longer available) Interesting example of a “social media release”, from Intel (tags: media mediarelease socialmedia digitalmediarelease) gapingvoid: “cartoons drawn on the back of business cards”: the cultural problem Hugh McLeod on the cultural issues in corporations – and…

links for 2008-05-15

E L S U A ~ A KM Blog by Luis Suarez » Blog Archive » IBM’s Social Computing Guidelines – Now Updated! Luis Suarez on IBM’s newly published Social Computing Guidelines – should be very handy for people charged with developing enterprise codes (tags: socialcomputing socialmedia ibm LuisSuarez blogging guidelines enterprise20) Sun Microsystems Communities:…

links for 2008-05-11

Skype – New Subscriptions Plans | HomeOfficeVoice Martin Neumann shares figures on economy of using Skype for home based business (tags: Skype homeoffice workfromhome phonecosts) hyku | blog – WOMM-U: Day Two Keynote: Bob Pearson, Dell – by business blog and social media consultant Josh Hallett Josh Hallett’s summary of Dell’s Bob Pearson’s keynote at…