WordPress Adventures: Mysteries of Disappearing Text and Self-centering Posts

At Business and Blogging I’ve posted about some challenges I faced recently with upgrading WordPress sites. The problem I mentioned there about not being able to type into the editing pane in the Write Post section of site, or being able to type in and then having the text disappear when I hit Save and…

Coaching Proficiency #2 – Reveals the Client to Themselves

This post continues the series commenced on April 8. The certified coach “reveals the client to themselves”. The more often I look at and ponder on this proficiency, the more I am tantalised by it and amazed by how much scope it offers for the coaching process. Lots of people are good at stating the…

Coaching Proficiency #1 – Engages in Provocative Conversations

As mentioned in my introductory post to this series, late in 2002 I had the good fortune to take the Certified Coach Intensive Course which was a live event that Coachville used to run in those days. It was particularly good fortune for me because the event I took was led by the legendary Thomas…