Conroy Lays the First Brick in the Great Firewall of Australia

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!This may look like an Australian story. It is that, but it’s bigger, because it is significant for citizens of any democratic country and others who cherish democratic principles. The new Australian government has announced stringent new controls over the…

Is the Facebook Beacon Saga Really Over, or Don’t We Care About Privacy Anymore?

In November there was a brouhaha about Facebook’s Beacon innovation, which for a lot of people represented an unacceptable intrusion on privacy. GigaOm saw it as “a privacy disaster waiting to happen”. It looks to me as if we are concluding the year with, for practical purposes, Facebook off the hook, but the jury still…

Enterprise 2.0 Focus in Sydney, February 2008

Best-selling author, expert on the future of business and in-demand global speaker, Ross Dawson, Chairman of the Future Exploration Network, is a pusher of boundaries, especially in the social-media-in-the-enterprise space. He is also, it should be said, great company and a marvelous encourager of others. Over the past couple of years I have had the…