If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I’ve signed a few non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) – or confidentiality agreements – in my time, one quite recently. But while I can bring to mind plenty of good deals I’ve done with people on a handshake, even a virtual handshake,…


Professors Report on Ways to Deal with Online Attacks

I think we can take it as read that any contemporary senior executive has at some point considered the possibility of his or her company having to deal with criticism, even a concerted campaign of criticism, online. It would be interesting to know whether many of those executives have taken that thought to the next…

Is Brisbane, Australia Ready for a Social Media Club?

Q. What’s the difference between Boston, Massachusetts and Brisbane, Queensland? A. A lot. At opposite ends of the earth, for one thing. Different climates and time zones. I could go on. But the point of this post is really that Boston has an obviously thriving Social Media Club and Brisbane doesn’t have one at all….

Spring Clean Your LinkedIn Profile, Part One: Basic Makeover

(Photograph: Spring Blossom by Steve Knight) It’s not actually Spring for me, it’s Autumn here, but for most of the people who read this blog it is Spring, traditionally a time to clean house. This post is about applying that thinking to updating our profiles on the social networking site LinkedIn. The thought was prompted…

Press Release Survives Social Media Release Webinar

Got up very early yesterday to take in the Vocus + Society for New Communications Research webinar on the Social Media Release. The very knowledgeable panel: Thom Brodeur, Chris Heuer, Monika Maeckle and Brian Solis. Moderator: Jiyan Wei of Vocus and blogger at New Influencer. As indicated by Jiyan in his blog post of February…