Gold Coast Bloggers to Meet – Need a Venue

Although I had good intentions of editing the video footage from my recent visit to Beijing and Shanghai, it might now not be happening till I get back from my trip to the US – leaving tomorrow.

And it’s not just the video footage. I’m still processing thoughts and impressions from the trip and especially from the ad:tech Beijing conference, as well as from my slightly more informed reading since then in the English-language, China-focused blogosphere.

From the look of the Las Vegas BlogWorld Expo program and the list of speakers, I will have even more headspinning, disruptive influences exercising the old grey matter by the end of this week. I do however need to get some coherent thoughts and observations together before the end of the month, not just for my own business interests but because I’ve put my hand up to provide a briefing on what I’ve heard, observed, learned and unlearned, at what I believe will be the inaugural get-together of the Gold Coast Weblogger Meetup Group, on Wednesday November 28, at 7 pm, at a venue to be determined.

And there’s the rub. Duncan Macleod has taken the initiative in setting up the group, but so far we have not identified a place to meet.

You can find out about the group and join if you wish at the Gold Coast Weblogger Meetup site.

Melbourne Webloggers are gathering at on November 17, at 12.00pm, at the Watermark Bar at Docklands – evidently they are piggybacking on WordCamp Melbourne.

Brisbane Webloggers Meetup Group is gathering at the Brewhouse in Albert St, at 7 pm on November 20.

If you have suggestions for a venue for our Gold Coast group – or, better yet, a venue to offer – please ping Duncan.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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One Comment

  1. Des, good meeting you in BlogWorld, nice job on the panel discussion on Going Global in Social Media,

    Funny enough I had a Marketing Edge listener from Australia send us a comment and survey. So we have a few listeners in your part of the world.

    All the best. and Ill look for your China visit video soon

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