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Podcast: And Now, the Let’s Talk Leadership Show

Let's Talk Leadership for the digital Age - Podcast Show with Des WalshThis first episode of Let’s Talk Leadership features just me, show host Des Walsh, talking about the new show, its focus, type of topics, frequency, duration of episodes and how to access the shows. It’s a short episode, just under 12 minutes.

Key points

  • Show starts from the assumption that the digital age has placed extra demands on leaders, especially because of the unrelentingly rapid pace of change
  • Areas of challenge for leadership in the digital age include: “big data”; new power of the customer; mobile; intergenerational workforce; overwhelm; anxiety about digital disruption; having to do more with less (this last not new but exacerbated by the pace of change in the business and social environments)
  • Focus of the show is on leadership in the mid-market and professional services companies
  • Emphasis on interviews with business leaders and others with special knowledge such as executive leadership coaches
  • Also case studies
  • Interested in interviewing leaders from the government and non-for-profit sectors, as well as business
  • Published weekly
  • Each episode should be not longer than 30 minutes (there may be the occasional exception, but it would not be expected that any episode would go longer than, say, 40 minutes)


As interesting resources are identified there will be pointers to those on the show website.

Where to download

All episodes will be available for download from the show website – http://deswalsh.com/podcasts/

Also from iTunes, Stitcher and possible other distribution points. Submission to iTunes and Stitcher will be after a few episodes have been published.

Feedback and Recommendations welcome

Feedback on the show is welcome, as are suggestions/recommendations for guests. Feedback can be posted as a comment (below) or directly to Des via the Contact page.

Link to information about the Wharton School article on leadership for the digital age

In March this year I spoke at a local Barcamp about an interesting article on leadership for the digital age, from the Wharton School. Here is a the slide deck I used, with an explanatory voiceover.

Subscribe and Never Miss an Episode

You can subscribe to the Let’s Talk Leadership podcast show via iTunes, Android, Stitcher, RSS, or via email.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from Coachville.com and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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