Seeking Ideas for A New Business Blogging Ebook

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I’m seriously considering writing a new, basic ebook on business blogging. I have a basic outline, and am keen to get some input from others.

I’m even open to the idea that my outline – see below – could be completely re-jigged. If possible, I’d like to get that clear before I do a lot of writing.

The concept is for a basic, entry level guide for non-techies

This ebook would be primarily for professional services companies where the principals see some value in the idea of a blog but are not sure what is involved or how to get started.

That was fundamentally the idea behind my 2005-06 ebook 7 Step Business Blog. Occasional updates of that ebook proved eventually inadequate to keep up with all the changes in the online business environment, so I stopped selling it but have kept it available as a free download.

Is there still value in business blogging?

Obviously the online world has changed dramatically.

Back in February 2006 when 7 Step Business Blog was first published, Facebook was still ten months away from being opened up to the general public and Twitter had not been born. The 5 million members LinkedIn had racked up at that stage looks positively puny now, compared to the current figure of over 100 million.

So, has the growth of Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and all the rest made blogging irrelevant, or at least less relevant for business?

I don’t believe so.

In fact, I see it as a key part of a social media strategy for many if not most businesses.

First I want to get clear on an outline

My current outline includes the following list of possible chapter headings:

  • Know why you are blogging (business purpose)
  • Think strategically – and “socially” (blog as part of broader social business strategy)
  • Set up your blog (using – noting other platforms available)
  • Start blogging (drafting, posting, tagging, using video etc)
  • Build connections (comment on other blogs, cross link to Facebook, Twitter etc)
  • Optimize your blog (search engine optimization basics)
  • Monitor and measure (in relation to business purpose)

Suggestions welcome!

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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  1. In thinking strategically about this topic I’m a firm believer that your professional blog needs to be part of an overall communications strategy for engaging with target communities and that you need to integrate your blog with all other relevant media and communications channels, including email, newsletters, speaking engagements, and plain old networking.

  2. Hi Des, I found you via your Business Blog and the (Yes, I opted in:) – Des, business blogging has never been more relevant – it is instant powerful leverage of all the search engines and social media sites have to offer: a blog is the world in between the two, taking traffic from both and generating prospects, readers, fans and customers. A business blog allows any company, writer or craftsperson to release news of their latest projects and offers instantly – blogging is self publishing at a click!

    Yes, I agree with Dennis that a blog needs to be part of an overall strategy but blogging gives us the power of the newspaper press release with full control of the content. We can link to any other content and sites we wish. We can promote our services in whatever light we require. This is power!

  3. @Dennis Spot on. In fact, that strategic, “interlinking” approach has to be much more of the framework of any new book I produce on blogging. Thank you.

    @Integrity Marketing Yes, a colleague of mine calls the professional blog the mother ship of our social media fleet.

  4. Hi. I would like to suggest a chapter for “targeting”

    Create a blog for a specific group for people. Gather them together on Facebook and Twitter – create a small (or big) community.

    General blogs are fine, but why not doing a little research and finding a topic that needs more quality posts and have potential readers ready to become lifetime fans ?

    Just a thought.

  5. Thanks Luke

    Great suggestion. The blog could also be complemented by a LinkedIn group on the same topic, especially if the topic was to be of more interest to professionals than to a general readership.

  6. Your list of possible chapter headings seem adequate, Des. My only suggestion would be a chapter on creating a streamlined feedback system for the business blog. Obviously, a comment section is pretty much a prerequisite. There are other tools however that can help make a business blog site more interactive to the audience. After all, the customer’s opinion is of high priority for any business, and an interactive blog with forums, chat and shout boxes can help create a rewarding bond with the target market. By the way, Facebook and twitter has not mad blogging irrelevant. They actually help promote blogging because it reaches a wider audience due to its’ popularity and accessibility. When you think about it, Facebook and twitter is still actually blogging, just in a different form.

    1. Thanks ceejay – I appreciate the comment and the very helpful suggestion about how to create a feedback system.

  7. Des – be assured you will have at least one customer for this eBook: myself. The real problem – as I see it – is driving traffic to the blog. It seems to be increasingly difficult to use SEO to a site and whereas it was once easy to generate traffic to a well written and informative blog of any sort, it is now far more difficult. Maybe those basic SEO techniques will not be so useful. Twitter and Facebook surely work only after you have an audience though granted in the longer term they might provide additional visibility. The LinkedIn angle I am particularly interested in exploring. I look forward to reading your eBook.

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