Social Media Tools Week Begins
Social Media Tools Week emphasis on the practical
This is a shameless plug for an event, Social Media Tools Week, in which I am one of the presenters, although I was promoting it before I had any any inkling I would be invited to present. I don’t know of any other event this year which is offering so much quality content, so accessibly and so focused on providing practical advice on using social media tools.
As I mentioned here a month ago, it’s been instructive for me to notice recently how much appreciation there is by business people who have not been active social media participants, when someone takes the time to explain and illustrate how to use some of the basic tools.
Social Media Tools Week is a fully online event, it’s free to participate and it has a timetable designed to be as accommodating as is feasible for various global time zones.
The week kicks off on Monday afternoon, US Pacific time, with a keynote by Axel Schultze, Founder of Social Media Academy, speaking about the impact of social media on businesses of all sizes and all industries. Knowing how much Axel can pack into a session, I’m really looking forward to that session and thankfully it is at a civilized time for me here on Australia’s east coast! Axel’s session will be followed immediately by Social Media Academy founding faculty member Dr John Todor, on Social Computing for Corporate Development and Innovation.
From then on, it’s a full agenda from Tuesday 17th through Friday 20th. The presenters are all active practitioners in social media and I am honored to have been included in the lineup. My session is at 5.45 pm Tuesday November 17th, US PST – which for me will be 12.45 pm (Australia, Queensland time) on the 18th. My topic is social bookmarking tools and how to use them effectively.
To register for a free pass to all the sessions, go to the main event page and hit the big red Register button in the right sidebar.
The Twitter hashtag is #SMTW and on Google Wave please search the public timeline (with:public) SMTW.
If you want to follow individual speakers on Twitter, you will find each one’s Twitter handle by clicking on his or her picture on the Speaker page.
Des Walsh
Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.
Thanks for the reminder. I’d forgotten Azel was putting this on.
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