
Getting a Handle on Social Personas at Social Media Club Sydney

smcsydI’m looking forward eagerly to the Social Media Club Sydney event planned for tomorrow night, 31st August.

What with that and attendance at the next day’s Future of Influence Summit, I expect my brain will be buzzing with new ideas and perspectives by the time I get home on Tuesday night.

There are two speakers for the Social Media Club (SMC) event: best selling author and marketing strategist David Meerman Scott and senior analyst for Forrester Research, Steven Noble.

I’m intrigued by the theme for the evening: “Understand social personas and stop wasting money and resources”. The theme is explicated somewhat in the blurb for the event, but I’m still intrigued, but also excited because I am absolutely sure these two speakers will be stimulating some serious thinking and discussion.

Tim Burrowes from the dynamic mUmbrella (“Everything under Australia’s media and marketing umbrella”) will be moderator and interviewer for the evening, with forum style Q & A. The event is designed for drinks & mingling before and after.

Unfortunately for anyone thinking of trying to book now, SMC Sydney has done it again and the event is “sold out” (i.e. it’s free, but full). On my count just now of those listed to attend, and if all who’ve registered were to come there will be at least 400 present. Mind you, as a Sydneysider born and bred, although no  longer living there, I’ve long held the view that a Sydneysider’s “Yes, I’ll be there” must always be understood to carry the unspoken qualification “…unless I get a better offer in the meantime”. But as previous events have had the House Full sign out, it clearly pays to book early, and fast, for SMCSyd events.

I’ll do my best to take some notes on the night and post something later in the week. No doubt others will be tweeting and blogging the event too and I’ll see if I can link to some of that info stream.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from Coachville.com and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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