With More Than One Blog, How Do You Decide Where to Post?
If you have more than one blog, do you ever wonder which blog you will post to on a given day, or a given issue? Or is it just me?
Because there are days when I wish that I had just one blog, or one main one, or perhaps blogs with such mutually exclusive subject areas, that I would not have a dilemma as to where to post a particular item or about a particular issue. Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes a toss of the coin.
Last week I had not one, but two of these “which blog will I post to? ” moments.
The first was when I was disturbed that I could not find out much in the blogosphere about what was happening in Burma. The second was about where to post some notes and observations from last Friday’s Australian Blogging Conference in Brisbane.
In both cases, another blog, Thinking Home Business, got the gong. Not because the topics were not appropriate for posting about here, but because:
- for the Burma posts the currently much higher traffic count on Thinking Home Business meant that the posts were likely to be read by a lot more people and hopefully stir more people to action
- for the blogging conference post, the decision was based on the fact that I had posts on Thinking Home Business going back a couple of years on the subject of having such a conference.
In neither case however was the decision the obvious one.
For the Burma posts I had to depart from my policy till then not to post on Thinking Home Business about political issues, even ones about which I felt strongly, so posting not one, but two posts about the repression in Burma was for me a significant step. As I say, the traffic potential was the decider.
For the blogging conference post, the dilemma was because most of the readers of Thinking Home Business are not in Australia but in the United States. And there are more from Ireland and Canada than from Australia. I do post on that blog from time to time about Australian issues and experiences, but my intention has always been for the blog to be more global than local.
All of this weighing of considerations over the posts in question, together with the kind of introspection and business analysis that a good conference like last Friday’s can stimulate, has helped me over the weekend to crystallize some thoughts about the future of both this site and the Thinking Home Business site.
The short story is that:
- I will be posting more often and more regularly here at deswalsh.com, with greater focus on social media and social networking, but not eschewing the occasional post on some other issue of the day, such as the current events in Burma
- I will still be posting regularly at Thinking Home Business, focusing on the world of the home based professional and how social media/Web 2.0 fit that world.
That should help me have fewer instances of the “where will I post this?” dilemma.
If you have faced that dilemma and have some suggestions as to how to handle it, please share.
Des Walsh
Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from Coachville.com and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.
Some people will begin blogging about numerous subjects of interest and naturally evolve to focus on areas of greater interest. I’ve visited blogs with a sense that the blogger is multi-tasking and others with a clear intention and concentration. Each blogger finds his or her own niche, develops an audience and runs with it. Sometimes instinct is a great guide!